Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Getting back to school

Nothing much has been happening lately, so far still no good news. I recieved a few more rejections but luckily I don't have much time to dwell on them anymore with high school having started. Unfortunately, on that same note, due to my lack of free time my two new books are getting sort of abandoned, too, despite my best friend's constant prodding and encouragement... she looks at my whole writing in a much more positive light than I do, and is constantly telling me that counting rejections IS NOT HEALTHY! I actually did stop counting though, although I'm guessing I'm at probably around thirty... yet she claims chicken noodle soup for the soul was rejected 140 times, so maybe not all my hope is gone!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Young Writer in Search of Representation. After looking at your posts, I see that you are quite disappointed by the rejections.

    Here's my advice, which you can do with what you wish. Focus on making your writing the best it can be. Do you have friends who also write? Form a critique group where you can make comments on each other's work.

    Are there any creative writing classes in your school, or an English teacher you respect? Ask her to take a look at your work. She just may say Yes.

    Have you read any technique books on writing fiction? One of my favorites is Self-Editing for Fiction Writers.

    Don't be discouraged. Practice the craft. Look at your work objectively. Join a critique group. Do these things and you will continue to grow as a writer.

    Also write for yourself--not to get published. If you are really good, that will come.

    Best of luck in your writing endeavors.
