Sunday, August 30, 2009

False Hope

There's nothing worse than getting your hopes up and then having them smashed. A little over a week ago an agent who normally doesn't reply to prospective writers unless genuinely interested emailed me and asked me to send her the first five pages. She had already read the synopsis of my story. I ran around the house screaming, then called my friends so they could scream right along with me, even though I knew that there would be numerous steps to go through before she decided to represent me. Then she emailed me back the other day and told me that she was going to pass because the first five pages didn't draw her in as much as she had hoped. How can she tell from just five pages? Look at Twilight! I absolutely love Twilight and am not trying to diss it or anything but if you just read the first five pages would you be like omigosh that is an amazing book? Probably not. Or the first few minutes of any movie. You can't tell what something is like from just the beginning! I just feel like I wasn't given a fair chance, but I guess a lot of writers go through that. Ugh, school starts tomorrow. I feel like after writing a book, what can interest me?

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